Sunday, December 15, 2013

Mel On...Hill Repeats (and being really, really tired)

So...after the other day's "Training Update (and reaching my 750th mile this year)," I thought I had my training plan down (yet again) but then I decide I should throw in some hill repeat sessions once a week.  I really need to stop thinking...

...cause a 40 ft. increase in a tenth of a mile is about ridiculous....

It doesn't look like much of a hill but I promise half-way up that sucker your opinion changes very quickly.

There I was at the bottom thinking of how 30 minutes prior I was dressed up in heels in a warm auditorium watching my son's Christmas program and how I was now in the cold, sweating on my third repeat and how I wished my house was not at the TOP of the hill because now I had to run up it again....and basically rethinking every life decision I have ever made...

(It was nice having the family rooting for me out the window though,  
I needed all encouragement I could get!)

Let me tell you, it wore me out.  Then again, I feel like I have been in a constant state of "worn out" for about 2 months now.  A couple weeks before the marathon I was feeling really, really tired/exhausted.  I thought maybe I was just overtraining.  Then, I got sick and thought the feeling was in combination with that.  Then, I run the marathon and am EXHAUSTED the first week or so afterwards (go figure, I just ran 26.2 miles).  But, I really thought the feeling would have gone away by now and it hasn't.  

It's like I am exhausted ALL THE TIME.  From the moment I wake up I feel tired (not muscle tired but body tired, if that makes any sense??).  I get dizzy when I stand up and most of the time I feel like I can pass out at any second.  Probably not a good thing to have go on for so long (and it's really affecting my ability to finish a long run) so I finally made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow.

And, NO, I am not pregnant.  Let's just get that out there.

Now, I am off to ice my feet and lay on the couch because I am tired and I can.  Take that laundry.


  1. All I'm going to say is I'm praying for you... you will be my little girl no matter how old you get...I love you!

  2. Honey, we'll have to talk tomorrow about ADRENAL FATIGUE!!! I look forward to seeing you, and maybe we can just do a long walk instead of a long run? Love to you.

  3. Please keep me posted on your status and what the doctor says. Your friend Brianne may be on to something. Take it easy young lady.
